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Tracy Brown Planning Consultants, LLC provides a wide variety of land use planning services for both public and private sector clients.
   Public Sector Services:
  • On-call staff assistance
  • Expert review of development applications and report writing
  • Development Code analysis and writing
  • Special projects including buildable lands and Urban Growth Boundary analysis
  • Urban Renewal project management
  • Building facade enhancement project administration and management
  • Tree City USA certification and recertification
   Private Sector Services:
  • Annexations
  • Conditional Use Permits
  • Design Review Applications
  • Forest Dwelling and Environmental Review Permits
  • Neighborhood Meetings
  • Pre-purchase due diligence and regulatory review
  • Subdivisions and Partitions
  • Text Amendments
  • Variances and Adjustments
  • Zone Change and Comprehensive Plan Amendments
  • Other land use applications and permits

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